Sunday, September 23, 2012

Welcome Back

We would like to welcome all of you back to our blog.  It has been a crazy past few months and we know that we have not been the best with keeping everybody updated, but we hope that we can bring you all back.  Since our last blog we have moved our family back down to Livingston, MT, we have lost one cat due to his aspirations on finding a life of his own, we have lost one dog to a good family who has adopted him, and we have a pair of friends and grandparents who have been willing to foster care our last cat son until we have the opportunity to either bring him back to the village with us, or we move back to the lower 48 states.  From our family of 6 we are now down to 3, and missing the others, but moving on for the good of the group.


This summer we got to spend some time in Livingston where Ben was able to work with Charles Gentry and Rachel was able to finish up her Modern China class.  We got to hang out at Mom and Dad’s with the family for the last few weeks, enjoying time in the kiddy pool, and hanging out with some old friends.  We then got to go to South Dakota to visit Ben’s family where we hung out for a few nights at a vacation home and got to go climbing in Spearfish Canyon with Ben’s brother.  It was a great time full of fun and lots of challenges.  Everybody came back alive from the climbing experience.  When we went back to Livingston for the last time before heading back to Alaska we got to hang out with Ben, Amanda, and Todd.  It was a lot of fun to hang out with the whole clan, from both sides, before setting out alone again.