Sunday, January 15, 2012

Animalistic Tendencies

I wake up in the middle of the night.  It's definitely dark but I can see pretty well, so I head out into the kitchen and grab a little bit of food, take a couple of nibbles and drink a little water.  Then go lay back down and curl up, and fall asleep again, comfy and warm.  About an hour later I wake up again.  Hmmmmmmm, I could use another snack.  It's still dark, but it stays dark a long time here.  I'm not used to it, but it's alright, I like to sleep a lot anyway.  I don't really feel like lying back down again though, so I head over to the couch instead.  I sit down on the couch and look around.  Not too much going on this time of night.  The dogs are both asleep on the bed, the white and black one is under the covers, and the big black crazy one is laying near the foot of the mattress.  They are so annoying, especially the white one.  I can't stand it when she growls and bites my neck!  Hmmmmmm, the big tank is making an enticing sort of drip-dropping sound.  I can't help myself.  I jump from the back of the couch onto the tank!  Uh-oh!  The big man that has been living with mom and I is awake and he's coming for me!  Dang it!  How does he hear me?  I better get the heck off of here and run!  Hiding, hiding, hiding...  Coast seems clear, I'd better not chance jumping onto the tank again.  I'll just sit at the bottom of the tank and meow at it instead.  They'll like that I'm sure...  Maybe after I do that for 15 minutes or so I'll go lay down and clean the other white kitty a little bit.  I really like him...most of the time.

I just heard my three favorite words in the world again, "Go, For, Outside."  I love those words.  They normally mean that my humans are going to wear my body out until I wont even be able to go up and down the stairs to go to the bathroom once we get home.  It is going to be AWESOME!  I wonder what we are going to do this time.  Maybe we will go back out to that wide open space where I can't get any traction.  If I could put a word to what that surface was I would call it ice.  It is really hard to stop on, but once I get going I can go really really fast.  Or maybe my humans will put on those extra-sized shoes and we will go up into the hills together.  I really love the hills with all of the smells and the moose to chase.  I really need to watch out for those cornice's though because they are really hard to climb back out of.  Perhaps we will just go for a drive and I will get to scare off all those other big machines coming at us from the other direction with my ferocious barking.  Whatever we decide to do together I know that it is going to be exciting and because of that my little body just can't stop bouncing all over the house.  Maybe if I cry a little bit we will go quicker...


What are they doing what are they doing what are they doing?  Are they going to feed me?  I hope they touch me soon and a lot I think I'll run over to them.  Ooh, dad is sitting on the couch I'm sure that he would like me to try and sit in his lap and stick my face in his face, or maybe I'll just stick my nose in his crotch, he might like that better.  No?  Okay, what if I put my paw on that black clickey light-up thing that he sits in front of and pokes with his paws.  He's awful interested sometimes by those pictures that are on it.  I should try to help.  Oh, he didn't like that.  GROAN!  I'll cry at him a little.  Oh he told me to "sit" but I don't want to sit but maybe if I do...  OOOOHHHHHHH YEAH!  I LOVE it when he scratches my ears...  Wait he's heading for the kitchen is he going to feed me is he going to feed me?  Oooh, there's that scarey water bowl I can't stand that bowl sometimes because it has the water in it and I start drinking and I just can't stop can't stop can't stop.  OOH!  Maybe he's getting that ball out of the sink! Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch? Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch?  Fetch? ...No?  Why not?!?!?  Fine, I want to go outside and bark at things...or maybe I'll just bark at nothing at all.  I don't know much, but I know that once I get started I just have a heck of a time stopping!

(Just ignore the fact that Ben sounds like he is going to die...)

The humans that pulled me out of that cold wasteland in South Dakota have now brought me to an even colder land.  I knew that letting them catch me could lead to even greater troubles.  It is a good thing that there is a heater just for me in this tiny place that we all try to call home.  As soon as it is turned on and warmed up you won't find me anywhere else.  The other good thing about these humans is that they feed me...A LOT!  I know that half of it is for the other cat, but after my rough start in life I just can't help myself.  Instead of a skinny half-starved kitten, I have grown into a cute roll of chub and fur.  It rocks!  Even with all of my spastic episodes throughout the day I don't seem to lose even half a pound.  I don't have to eat them anymore but I still catch mice for the fun of it.  I don't feel like they belong in here anyway.  Those humans are usually pretty excited, I just wish they would let me play with them longer before taking them away.  I have a new love in life though, it is called PAPER!  If those humans forget and leave a piece of paper lying anywhere unguarded around the house I like to make a jigsaw puzzle out of it...and maybe eat a little.  A fun holiday did just go by and I got to eat something called "garland".  It only made me a little sick.  I have started to enjoy sitting with the humans again.  After a year I am finally getting over being embarrassed about peeing on the big one.  How was I suppose to know I had a UTI?  Oh well, no harm no foul.  I think I might stick with them a little longer since they have that big black thing that lets me lay with him all the time.  Uh oh, they are coming back with the little black and white one, she is probably going to bite my neck a whole bunch...

Akiiki, Lilly, Attila, and Cleveland (respectively)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Post of a Different Sort

Ben here.  For those who have been checking the blog, we apologize for the fact that we haven't put anything up for a while.  It has certainly been a crazy couple of months!  Anyway, we haven't had as much time since we've both been working, and this isn't so much of an update post as just me wanting to show a few of you what happens when you are unemployed for a couple of months with no car to get around in and a tiny apartment.

With the lack of a mode of transportation and an abundance of time, you do things like:
1) Find some software that will stitch all of those panoramic pictures together that you've had for 5 years.

...and new ones from this summer...

Exit Glacier Overlook - September, 2011

Exit Glacier Outwash Plain from the Harding Ice Field Trail - June, 2011

Pond near Palmer Creek, Twin Lakes Trail - July, 2011

Paradise Valley Overlook - September, 2011

Paradise Valley Overlook - October, 2011

Resurrection Bay - September, 2011

Ocean View from Kenai - October, 2011

2) You may also spend some time learning something new, like bluegrass style on the banjo.  (Sorry about the sound, I was too close to the camera.)  This is the simple version by the way and isn't how someone who is actually good at playing bluegrass style would play it.

 Anyway, aside from those things it was a great time to rest, hang out with the dogs, cook and make things, and relax and enjoy life a little bit.  Again, sorry to everyone about the lack of posts and we will begin making more again!