Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Post of a Different Sort

Ben here.  For those who have been checking the blog, we apologize for the fact that we haven't put anything up for a while.  It has certainly been a crazy couple of months!  Anyway, we haven't had as much time since we've both been working, and this isn't so much of an update post as just me wanting to show a few of you what happens when you are unemployed for a couple of months with no car to get around in and a tiny apartment.

With the lack of a mode of transportation and an abundance of time, you do things like:
1) Find some software that will stitch all of those panoramic pictures together that you've had for 5 years.

...and new ones from this summer...

Exit Glacier Overlook - September, 2011

Exit Glacier Outwash Plain from the Harding Ice Field Trail - June, 2011

Pond near Palmer Creek, Twin Lakes Trail - July, 2011

Paradise Valley Overlook - September, 2011

Paradise Valley Overlook - October, 2011

Resurrection Bay - September, 2011

Ocean View from Kenai - October, 2011

2) You may also spend some time learning something new, like bluegrass style on the banjo.  (Sorry about the sound, I was too close to the camera.)  This is the simple version by the way and isn't how someone who is actually good at playing bluegrass style would play it.

 Anyway, aside from those things it was a great time to rest, hang out with the dogs, cook and make things, and relax and enjoy life a little bit.  Again, sorry to everyone about the lack of posts and we will begin making more again!

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