Friday, November 22, 2013

A Hoover Visit - Part I: The Arrival

As part of our summer adventure we had a visit from Rachel's parents.  We had a great and exhausting few days with them, and the fun only ended when we went to sleep because the day was just so packed full of it that we could have no more and needed solid rest so that it could start again right away in the morning!  We started our adventure around the Wasilla area, taking them around to various little places that we had found/been introduced to, and cruising into Anchorage to show them around there a little bit.  We spend some time just checking the are out, took them out the Experimental Farm for a little hike, went to the new Star Trek movie.  They just never got enough of all of the sunlight!  At this point in time it wasn't even getting close to dark until midnight to 1:00AM, and it wasn't getting completely dark at all, and it felt weird to come out of a movie that ended after 9:00 PM, and still see the sun.  One of the stops that we really wanted to make was at Potter Marsh, where Rachel spent more than a few days of her first summer in Alaska, and where we often stopped to take a break on trips to/from Seward.  It was a beautiful afternoon at Potter Marsh...
Not sure what this guy is, but there were a lot!!!
Just your friendly neighborhood beaver here!

Always fun to watch the geese and their nesting activity.

What a fine lookin' family!

Potter Marsh...'nuff said.

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